Mac Sign Android App Command Line

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A Windows 10 device, phone, and pretty much anything that connects to a network has a unique identification number known as the media access control (MAC) address embedded on the physical network adapter (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth), and it's a necessary component, alongside the Internet Protocol (IP) address, to allow communication between devices inside a local network.

Although, for the most part, you never have to worry about this information, sometimes you may need to find out the MAC address of the network adapter, for example, to identify the device or configure networking permissions on a router.

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Mac Sign Android App Command Line

Whatever the reason it might be, Windows 10 includes several ways to determine the hardware address using the Settings app, PowerShell, Command Prompt, Control Panel, and even using System Information.

In this Windows 10 guide, we'll walk you through five different ways to find the MAC address on the network adapters available on your device.

How to find MAC address using Settings

To find the MAC address for a network adapter with Settings, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Network & Internet.
  3. Click on Ethernet or Wi-Fi depending on your network connection.
  4. Select the connection.

    Source: Windows Central

  5. Under the 'Properties' section, confirm the physical address (MAC) of the device.

    Source: Windows Central

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Once you complete the steps, you'll have an understanding of the MAC address for the network adapter installed on your computer.

How to find MAC address using Control Panel

To determine the physical address of a network card on Windows 10 with Control Panel, use these steps:

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Click on Network and Internet.
  3. Click on Network and Sharing Center.

    Source: Windows Central

  4. Click the Change adapter settings from the left pane.

    Source: Windows Central

  5. Double-click the Ethernet or Wi-Fi adapter depending on your connection.
  6. Click the Details button.

    Source: Windows Central

  7. Confirm the MAC address of the network adapter.

    Source: Windows Central

After you complete the steps, you'll know the physical address of the network card, which you can use filter access in the network settings or identify a device on the router.

How to find MAC address using System Information

To view the MAC address without Command Prompt, use these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for System Information and click the top result to open the app.
  3. Expand the Components branch.
  4. Expand the Network branch.
  5. Select the Adapter option.
  6. Scroll down to the network adapter you want.
  7. Confirm the PC's MAC address.

    Source: Windows Central

Once you complete the steps, you'll be able to determine the media access control address of the network adapter.

How to find MAC address using Command Prompt

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To find the MAC address with Command Prompt on Windows 10, use these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for Command Prompt and click the top result to open the app.
  3. Type the following command to determine the MAC of your computer's network connection and press Enter:

    ipconfig /all

  4. The MAC will be listed in the 'Physical Address' field.

    Source: Windows Central

  5. (Optional) Type the following command to check the MAC address of the active network adapters and press Enter:

    getmac /v

    Source: Windows Central

    Quick note: Thanks reader 'Tech_Support79' for suggesting the /v flag to show the MAC information more clearly.

After you complete the steps, Command Prompt will display the hardware address of all the network adapters installed on Windows 10.

How to find MAC address using PowerShell

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To find the MAC address with PowerShell, use these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for PowerShell and click the top result to open the app.
  3. Type the following command and press Enter:


    Source: Windows Central

  4. Confirm the MAC address of the adapter install on Windows 10.

Once you complete the steps, PowerShell will list the MAC address for every network adapter configured on your Windows 10 device.

More Windows 10 resources

For more helpful articles, coverage, and answers to common questions about Windows 10, visit the following resources:


All non-Kinect Xbox One games should work on Xbox Series X at launch

Today, Microsoft provided more details about its vision for Xbox Series X. Xbox head Phil Spencer said that the company wants to make all Xbox One games that don't require Kinect to be playable on Xbox Series X.


  • Part 1 of Xamarin's documentation on publishing an application has an explanation. It also has a Powershell script you can use (might have to make some modifications) to compile at the command line on Windows.

    If you're on OS X, you can use Albacore and Rake, as shown in this Rakefile.

  • @topgenorth thanks but I saw it. My problem is that:
    1 - I build project in release mode
    2- Obfuscate dll
    3- Should I create apk with new dll, but I don't know how.

  • Use MSBuild on Windows, xbuild on OS X. They both take the same command-line arguments.

    how can I create apk from my batch file?

    Use the /t:SignAndroidPackage target:

    You'll want to add /p:Configuration=Release for Release builds.

    1 - I build project in release mode 2- Obfuscate dll 3- Should I create apk with new dll, but I don't know how.

    Free conference call software mac. You should perform (2) as a post-build step within your Project. The Xamarin.Android build process will then use your obfuscated assemblies as inputs for the linker, and place the obfuscated+linked assemblies into the .apk.

  • @jonp can you give me some more information about:
    You should perform (2) as a post-build step within your Project. The Xamarin.Android build process will then use your obfuscated assemblies as inputs for the linker, and place the obfuscated+linked assemblies into the .apk.

    How can I make this step? how can i input obfuscated dll to linker?
    unfortunately it is not clear to me this passage

  • can you give me some more information about: You should perform (2) as a post-build step within your Project.

    Within Visual Studio,

    1. Click Project > Project Name Properties..
    2. Click the Build Events tab.
    3. In the Post-build event command-line, enter the command to execute.

    Within Xamarin Studio:

    1. Click Project > Project Name Options
    2. In the tree on the left, select Build > Custom Commands
    3. In the panel on the right, set your Configuration, then in the (Select a project operation) drop-down, select After Build.
    4. Enter the Command and Working Directory to use.
    5. Click OK.
  • Ok in My case I use Xamarin studio. I'll try to use after build command for obfuscating code, sorry but where do I copy the dll and how to create the apk?

  • @jonp Great work!! Just a clarification.
    I set the obfuscate as a post-build and at the same time I copy my dll in the folder 'obj Release' and 'obj Release assemblies'.

    After that, to create the apk from Xamarin Studio, I go to the menu Project-> Create Android Package or Publish Android Application.
    Is correct?

  • I set the obfuscate as a post-build and at the same time I copy my dll in the folder 'obj Release' and 'obj Release assemblies'.

    I don't think that this would be necessary; binRelease*.dll should be copied to objReleaseassemblies as part of the linking process, so you should only need to obfuscate the binRelease assemblies (untested).

    After that, to create the apk from Xamarin Studio, I go to the menu Project-> Create Android Package or Publish Android Application. Is correct?

    That should work, yes. You can also just Run > Start Without Debugging to implicitly create the .apk and install it onto your attached device.

  • hi ,
    i have used above command line and also msbuild.exe HelloWorld.csproj /p:Configuration=Release /t:PackageForAndroid ** but the apk which is generating is not running ,it shows parsing error while installing in device , i have business edition of xamarin. can you please help in this ,what i have to set as ** Target so that i can get working apk

  • Necro posting here but MSBuild does not work with indie edition unfortunately.

  • Is there a plan for Indie to be able to build Xamarin app with command line?
    Automated CI is a common best practice and shouldn't be available to enterprise only

  • Here also a 'Parse error' occurs when installing an APK which was created using msbuild with PackageForAndroid - Target.

  • As @EmmanuelJacquier.5031 said, builds don't work with Indie. Specifically with Xamarin Studio 5.10.2 on OSX I am getting:

    MTOUCH: error MT9008: Building from the command-line requires a Business license.

    Anyone know if this is changing with the MS acquisition?

  • Great, the 'Business license' error in gone with Xamarin Community Edition 5.10.3!

  • @akashrastogi and anybody else who might be facing this problem, you need to sign the apk before you install it on device.

  • Given the age of this thread and the fast-moving pace of the Xamarin tooling (and tech in general) it would be recommended that if people are experiencing similar issues that they create a new thread on the topic


  • Even i have similar kind of issue. When package my app, sign and zipalign and upload to play store via jenkins app crashes after the launch. Same commands are working when i do it from msbuild.exe.

  • Here is C# console app example of how to build Android with custom versionCode, versionName and packedgeName separated by ABI